Precious Sapphires Healthcare, Inc. provides diverse opportunities that enhances the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through inclusion, training, and choices in services.
Precious Sapphires Healthcare, an authorized provider through Medicaid HCBS waiver, New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities.
Precious Sapphires Healthcare, Inc. provides transportation services that are inclusive to the supports of mobility for our individuals. These supports can include transportation and transportation training for access to the community.
The Supportive Employment Services with us provides our individuals employment supports through referrals from the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). Supportive Employment Services offers individuals in the DDD waiver the opportunity to participate actively in their pursuit to be independent and employed.
A wide variety of community inclusion activities allow participants to engage in programs that encourages their participation and promotes the assimilation of them into their communities. This level of supports encourages choices for activities of recreation and leisure of their individual interests and abilities.
Precious Sapphires Healthcare, Inc. provides community-based supports through direct support with our skilled and trained staff for individuals, with or without their caregiver participating. Our services may be within the residence of the individual as well as throughout the community.
The program is located in Burlington County and serves the surrounding areas including Camden, Gloucester and Mercer counties. Our target is to serve twenty five participants. The building consists of 2,000 square feet of habitable space. The center is accessible with curbside access to the building.
Precious Sapphires Healthcare, Inc. is proud to partner with the NJ Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to offer Transportation Services, Supportive Employment, Individual Supports, Community Inclusion, and Community Based Support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that are eligible for waiver services.
We provide genuine care and support for all eligible individual with intellectual disabilities across New Jersey.