The program is located in Burlington County and serves the surrounding areas including Camden, Gloucester and Mercer counties. Our target is to serve twenty five participants. The building consists of 2,000 square feet of habitable space. The center is accessible with curbside access to the building. The site has the capacity to serve 30 participants per day. The operating hours for day habilitation services will be from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We will provide transportation for our participants within twenty miles of the center including Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Mercer counties.
Precious Sapphires recognizes the importance of lifelong learning. Given our rich experience our goal is to expand our services to habilitative day services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We intend to offer a full array of services delivered With person centered planning as a foundation. The individual and their Interdisciplinary Team will drive the services through the Individual Support Plan (ISP) or Essential Life Plan (ELP). Precious Sapphires provides an empowering and enriching environment where participants can thrive and increase their skill set. The services will be tailored to support individuals of varying abilities. We have a dynamic service model predicated on choice. Our services are designed to support individuals with a wide range of abilities. Participants will be given the opportunity to utilize community resources. Regular shopping trips for food and sundries, banking and recreational activities will provide opportunities for individuals to practice community skills and to be exposed to expectations for appropriate social behaviors. Participants will learn about the different ways one relates to shopkeepers, friends and family, staff will focus, and model community behavior and individuals will practice, and staff will reinforce these skills during trips into the community. The selection of recreational activities will be driven by the interests of the individuals as determined through group meetings and individual requests. It is expected that choosing activities along with their fellow program participants will enhance each individual’s ability to express their desires in a constructive manner and to teach compromise with positive outcomes. Social and recreational occasions and activities, both inside and outside the program, also become opportunities to model, expand and refine social, conversational and interpersonal skills. Individuals will be encouraged to participate in activities in the community that are of interest to them such as libraries, restaurants, shopping centers, theater, movies, concerts, spectator or participatory sporting events, etc., to give them the opportunity to share these experiences with others, increase their presence in the community, enhance their socialization skills and provide additional opportunities to meet and develop relationships with other persons with similar interests. Precious Sapphires has a team of staff with varied areas of experience to help program participants develop new interests and to continue to acquire new skills to increase independence at home and work and in the community. We provide an environment to promote freedom and expand their respective strengths. The services are tailored to each person’s needs and hopes for the future. The long-term goals of the individuals include initiation or enhancement of community inclusion, wider social involvement, and greater independence in any of the variety of life skills.
The instruction is based on the Social Learning Theory (SLT) perspective which is a learning process that proposes skills can be acquired by observing and imitating others. The program will be delivered using various methods and areas where skills will be developed and improved include, but are not limited to, the following: healthy living, daily living, recreation and, arts, leisure activities, computer training, money management, wellness education, community access, community awareness, housekeeping, culinary skills, basic and sensory integration activities. In contrast to traditional day-treatment and other day program models, participants are considered "members" of our community, and activities focus on their strengths and abilities as opposed to their deficits. It is designed around three areas: community integration, skill development and self-enrichment which are used to create daily activities that are flexible and noncompulsory but presents the individuals continuous options. The model allows the participants to flourish and function in their personal lives and in the community through: relationship building, shared involvement, and skill achievement. It is both a person-centered and community-centered program driven by the participants. Our program will serve as a place where individuals and staff work collaboratively for a common purpose, forming a culture of support and encouragement. The result is interdependence, which takes full advantage of each person’s potential.
Precious Sapphires Healthcare, Inc. is proud to partner with the NJ Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to offer Transportation Services, Supportive Employment, Individual Supports, Community Inclusion, and Community Based Support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that are eligible for waiver services.